Lubbock Entrepreneur Aims to Give Back with Coffee Profits


LUBBOCK, TX — The Lubbock Chamber of Commerce welcomed a new business to the southwest side of the city on Tuesday afternoon, August 20, 2024. The Human Bean, a franchised drive-thru coffee shop, is now open at 7019 82nd St.

Andrea Joslin, the proprietor, chose to franchise The Human Bean because she appreciates the menu and believes the company aligns with her values. Joslin emphasized her commitment to giving back to the Lubbock community by donating a portion of the coffee shop's profits.

Among the nonprofits Joslin plans to support are the South Plains Food Bank, local tree-planting initiatives similar to Arbor Day, and organizations dedicated to finding a cure and treatment for breast cancer.

Joslin also announced plans to host four major giveaways throughout the year, each benefiting a worthy cause with a significant impact on the Lubbock community.

Her current favorite drink on The Human Bean menu is the “Mexi,” a Mexican chocolate mocha. The Human Bean is open daily from 5 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Lubbock Entrepreneur Aims to Give Back Some Coffee Profits

Lubbock Entrepreneur Aims to Give Back Some Coffee Profits

Lubbock Entrepreneur Aims to Give Back Some Coffee Profits

Lubbock Entrepreneur Aims to Give Back Some Coffee Profits

Lubbock Entrepreneur Aims to Give Back Some Coffee Profits

Lubbock Entrepreneur Aims to Give Back Some Coffee Profits

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