FedEx Truck Plows Through Median on I-27


LUBBOCK, TX — A FedEx Truck had trouble navigating the construction on I-27 in the early hours of Thursday morning.

At around 5:45 a.m. on August 22, a FedEx truck hit the median in the construction zone on I-27 just north of Lubbock near the Lubbock Country Club. The Lubbock Police Department and other emergency services responded to the call to assess the situation.

Crash on I-27 North of Lubbock on Thursday, August 22.

Crash on I-27 North of Lubbock on Thursday, August 22.

(South Plains LIVE! Photo/Matt Whittie)

Crash on I-27, North of Lubbock on Thursday, August 22

Crash on I-27, North of Lubbock on Thursday, August 22

(South Plains LIVE! Photo/Matt Whittie)

Our reporter on the scene reported Lubbock Fire Rescue, LPD, and an ambulance at the crash. No injuries were reported at the time of the crash, and it was not evident that anyone had gone to the hospital. The extent of any injury due to the crash is unknown.

The already congested traffic through the construction zone was further hampered due to the crash, but emergency services quickly cleaned up the scene. Traffic appeared to return to normal later in the morning when another one of our reporters checked out the crash site.

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