Flood Waters Make a Dangerous Drive Through Big Spring


BIG SPRING, TX — The rainfall around West Texas over the past few days, while needed, has posed several problems for drivers trying to pass through the area. In Big Spring, several highways and roads flooded to the point where small cars can no longer drive through them.


Pictures and videos obtained on social media show the scenes surrounding Big Spring. Specifically, HWY 350, located northeast of the town, is completely flooded. Several social media posts also say that bridges around the area are compromised.

Whenever this kind of flooding happens, water rescues are prevalent on the highways.

Big Spring Flooding

Big Spring Flooding

(Credit: facebook.com)

Flooding in Big Spring

Flooding in Big Spring

(Credit: facebook.com)

The weather forecasts even more rain on Tuesday, with continued rainfall on Wednesday as well. There is a 30% chance of thunderstorms and 40% chance of rain on Wednesday.

The National Weather Service said that flash flooding is possible in areas of heavier showers and storms on Tuesday, especially in urban areas, low water crossings, and areas with poor drainage.

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