SUV Crashes into Utility Pole in N. Lubbock, Driver Killed


LUBBOCK, TX — A fatal single-vehicle crash early Friday morning, Dec. 27, in North Lubbock is being investigated by the Lubbock Police Department’s Major Crash Investigation Unit.

According to a press release, officers responded to reports of a crash with injuries at 12:48 a.m. in the 3500 block of Erskine Street. When police arrived, they found an SUV had jumped the curb and crashed into a wooden utility pole.

The driver of the SUV was identified as Matthew Castaneda, 33, and was the car’s only occupant. Despite efforts by emergency responders, Castaneda was pronounced dead at the scene.

Reports did not state if Castaneda was wearing a seatbelt or not.

Further details will be released as authorities work to determine the cause of the crash.

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