Lubbock-Cooper Seniors Carry on Lasting Tradition


LUBBOCK, TX — The start of the 2024-25 school year is right around the corner, and for some students, it will be the last school year before graduation. Some traditions help the seniors at Lubbock-Cooper High School cherish their final year.

On Thursday and Friday, August 8-9, senior students from Lubbock-Cooper High School braved the heat to participate in Cooper’s annual parking spot painting, which only the seniors get to do. Students filled the parking lot throughout each morning to put their special touch on a personalized parking space.

The artwork varied from basic colors to patterns to elaborate artsy designs, but each one ended up different. The spaces reflected the personalities of the students who painted them in the end. For some, mom and dad, or even someone else entirely, did the artwork, but the event was still a chance for these students to gather together and spend some time.

“It’s an important tradition that we do every year,” Brynlee Bond, a senior at Cooper this year, said. “It’s a chance to make some lasting memories with my friends.”

While some may not have the artistic inclination to wow the public with a picturesque space, Bond was correct when saying that tradition is important. This will be the final year for many students at Lubbock-Cooper, and what’s wrong with a little bit of fun?

The 2024-25 Academic School Year for Lubbock-Cooper ISD officially kicks off on Wednesday, August 14.

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