Wilson ISD to Collect Phones from Students During School Hours


WILSON, TX — Starting September 30, Wilson Independent School District will require high school students to deposit their phones, headphones, and earbuds at the start of the school day. 

This initiative is to enhance student safety and minimize distractions in the classroom, as stated by Superintendent Brent Scott in a recent Facebook announcement.

Scott highlighted the growing body of research indicating that cell phones can negatively impact student performance. The policy, which has already been successfully implemented at the district's Junior High School, aims to create a focused learning environment, according to the announcement.

Students will have access to their devices during lunch and receive them back at the end of the day. However, any student found using their phone during instructional time, in hallways, or at unauthorized times will have their phone confiscated and returned only to a parent or guardian.

Each classroom will have a designated phone available for student use, and the office phone will also be accessible for communication needs.

“Thank you for supporting a safe and productive learning environment. Go Mustangs,” Scott concludes.

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