Texas Tech System Hits Record Enrollment of 64,022 Students


LUBBOCK, TX — The Texas Tech University System has officially reached a new enrollment milestone with 64,022 students across its five universities for the 2024-2025 academic year. 

This is the second consecutive year and the fifth time in the last six years that the system has set a record for enrollment.

Below is how many students were enrolled in the ‘24-’25 academic year:

  • Texas Tech University (TTU): 41,045 students (record)
  • Angelo State University (ASU): 11,542 students (record)
  • Midwestern State University (MSU Texas): 5,324 students
  • Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC): 5,114 students
  • Texas Tech University Health El Paso: 997 students (record)

Texas Tech University, Angelo State University, and Texas Tech Health El Paso all reported record enrollment numbers. Midwestern State University saw the highest number of new first-time, full-time students. Texas Tech Health El Paso also saw a nearly 5% increase in enrollment compared to last fall.

“This growth reflects the continued trust that students place in our universities,” said Dr. Tedd L. Mitchell, Chancellor of the TTU System. “Our dedicated faculty and staff work tirelessly to support our students, and I am proud of the record-setting achievements across the system.”

The previous systemwide record of 63,612 students was set during the 2023-24 academic year.

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