Outdoorsman Announces Closure After 50 Years of Buisness


LUBBOCK, TX – The Outdoorsman, a beloved outdoor retail store in the Hub City, announced Monday morning that they are closing its doors permanently.  The shop confirmed they will be shutting down on Thursday, January 30, 2025. 

The store took to Facebook to declare the news.

“As summer comes to an end and we begin to prepare for the colder weather that fall and winter will eventually bring, I am reminded that like life - all seasons must come to an end,” indicated in their mournful post.

The Lubbock community took to social media to show their support for the retail store, noting it as their favorite shop in town and expressing their sadness over its closure.


“The Outdoorsman has been a part of our family, and a part of the Lubbock and South Plains for nearly 50 years. Our Dad loved everything about the outdoors, so The Outdoorsman began when he decided to make his dreams of becoming an outdoor retailer a reality. Dad poured many years of hard work and dedicated effort into making The Outdoorsman what it is today.”

The Hub City gem was a popular stop for many families and college students looking for the perfect outdoor gear, including apparel, clothing, and comfortable footwear, all with a stylish edge.

The Outdoorsman Announces Their Closure on January 30th

The Outdoorsman Announces Their Closure on January 30th

(Credit: Facebook.com)

The post states that the store met many customers, vendors, employees, and friends who have become family to them. They went on to thank each and every one of their customers for helping support their little mom-and-pop shop for so many years.

“Without an amazing customer base, small businesses like ours would not have survived as long as we did.”

In its 50-year history, The Outdoorsman experienced significant changes. The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 reshaped how people connected, shopped, and viewed the world. Unfortunately, the family’s father, Davy, passed away in April 2021, and their mother also passed in December 2022.

Vintage Picture of The Outdoorsman Family

Vintage Picture of The Outdoorsman

(Credit: Facebook)

The store announced they still have an excessive amount of winter clothing and outerwear in their inventory that will have to be sold, so they are offering a generous 50% - 75% off sale until their closure.

The Outdoorsman will continue to honor all gift cards and in-store credits until they close their doors for the last time in January.

“It has been one wild ride, and as Dad once said “so many trails, so little time”. We hope to see many of you down the trail and of course, don’t forget to stop by Lubbock’s “One Stop Shop”, where you can always find the good stuff at least one last time… This will give us a chance to hug your necks and thank you personally for shopping with us for the past 50 years.”

The Outdoorsman is open Monday through Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and is closed on Sundays.

Outdoorsman Announces Closure on January 30th

Outdoorsman Announces Closure on January 30th

(South Plains LIVE! Photo/Nick Thompson)

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