Local Small Business Owners Sound Alarm Over Unpaid Invoices


LUBBOCK, TX – Small business owners are expressing significant concerns about Indiana Village Apartments, managed by District West and AMBO Properties, allegedly accusing them of failing to pay for services rendered, according to the 806er, a local Facebook page

In the Facebook post, an anonymous vendor reported that the property management hired cleaning crews, carpet cleaners, and pest control services but did not compensate them.

The vendor claims that both the property district manager, Moshe Levin, and the property manager, Tabitha, were aware of the company's financial issues yet continued to contract services. 

“I worked through two of the hottest months during peak move-in time, only to be told I wouldn’t be paid because they didn’t have the funds,” the vendor stated in the post.

In response to recent vendor non-payment allegations, Tabitha, the property manager at Indiana Village Apartments under AMBO Properties, has addressed the concerns.

The complaints emerged last week, accusing the property management of failing to pay for services and raising questions about the property’s financial health and business practices.

Tabitha noted that she was not approached for comment before the initial report but is now providing clarification. 

"The claims do not accurately reflect the situation or my professional conduct," she stated. 

While she acknowledged the property’s financial difficulties due to occupancy issues, she stressed that efforts are underway to improve the situation.

"We are committed to enhancing the property and maintaining strong relationships with our vendors," Tabitha said. She emphasized the importance of working with vendors who deliver exceptional service and support the property’s growth.

To support her response, Tabitha shared screenshots of her communications with the complaining vendor, which she believes offer additional context to the situation. The post shows the text exchange here.

They allege that Indiana Village Apartments owes businesses around $10,000 for services during this crucial period.

AMBO Properties and District West, the companies overseeing Indiana Village Apartments, have not yet disclosed additional information about the ongoing financial issues or the status of vendor payments.

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