Lubbock to Host Car Seat Checkups for Child Safety Week


LUBBOCK, TX – For Child Passenger Safety Week, the Texas Department of Transportation and its partners will host two car seat checkup events in Lubbock this week. 

Parents can get help with car seat installations on Monday, September 16, at the Covenant Pediatric Helicopter “Kite Flite” or on Wednesday, September 18, at Safety City in Clapp Park. 

Here are the details:

Monday, September 16

  • Covenant Pediatric Helicopter “Kite Flite”
  • 12111 County Road 2500
  • 4 p.m. – 6 p.m

Wednesday, September 18

  • Safety City
  • 4500 Avenue U (Clapp Park)
  • 4 p.m. – 6 p.m.

Certified car seat technicians will be available at the checkups to guide parents and caregivers in selecting the appropriate seat based on their child's age and size. 

According to the release, parents are advised to bring their child's current safety seat and know their child's height and weight for accurate assistance with installation.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that 75% of safety seats are used incorrectly nationwide. A study in Texas found that while nearly 90% of babies and toddlers were in safety seats, over a quarter of car seats were misused.

To prevent common errors, such as using the wrong size seat, visit TxDOT’s Save Me With A Seat website to select the right safety seat for your child's age.

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