Lubbock Music NOW Celebrates Local Talent in New Album


LUBBOCK, TX—The Entertainment Lubbock Committee announces the lineup for the 2025 Lubbock Music NOW album, a tradition that showcases the incredible local talent that makes the Hub City unique. According to a release, this album marks the ninth installment of the series since it began in 2016.

The 2025 album will feature original songs from local artists and songwriters within a 100-mile radius of Lubbock who have played at least two paid gigs in the city. Songwriters were encouraged to collaborate with performers to bring their creations to life. 

A panel from the Texas Branch of The Recording Academy, also known as the Texas Grammy Board, reviewed submissions, ensuring a fair selection process by judging entries anonymously.

"Lubbock has a proud musical heritage, and this year's album does a fantastic job of capturing the diversity and evolution of our music scene," said James Eppler, board member of Civic Lubbock Inc. and chair of the Entertainment Lubbock Committee.

2025 Lubbock Music NOW Album Spotlights 19 Local Artists

2025 Lubbock Music NOW Album Spotlights 19 Local Artists


Nineteen tracks have been chosen for this year's album, including a special tribute to the late Don Caldwell, a beloved promoter and saxophonist who passed away in May 2024. 

"Since 'Lubbock Music NOW' serves as a time capsule of our local music, we felt it was important to honor Don's memory," Eppler explained. "His influence on our music scene was profound, and many artists have dedicated their tracks to him."

Here is a list of the selected songs for the 2025 album:

  • Count Me In – Yung Rep (Trevon Keate Riley)
  • Earth – Brad Miles (Brad Miles)
  • Falling – Cantu (Issac Cantu)
  • Footprints on the Stars – Russ and Linda Murphy (Russell Murphy)
  • Future's Song – Don Caldwell (Memorial Track)
  • Get Up, while the getting's good – Cary C. Banks (Cary C. Banks)
  • Hang On To Hope – Michelle Young (Michelle Young)
  • I Wouldn't Take Me Back – Jason Nutt & Highway 70 (Jason Nutt)
  • In the Good Days – Jonny Keys (Jonny Hughes)
  • I've Got the Whiskey – JoJo DiSalvo (JoJo DiSalvo)
  • Just Move On – Sam Choate (Sam Choate)
  • Little Black Dress – Lindsey Bruner (Lindsey Bruner/Billy Dawson)
  • My River – Amelia Presley (Amelia Presley)
  • Smoke We Hazin – Dustin Garrett (Dustin Garrett)
  • Some Days Are Hard – Richard Bowles (Richard Bowles/Shane Bowles)
  • Stray Dogs – Morri Hartgraves (Morri Hargraves)
  • The Lies of Those I Loved – Morri Hartgraves Quintet (Morri Hargraves)
  • Triumvirate – Jonny Verbeten Trio (Jonny Verbeten)
  • When Somebody Believes in You – Hannah Jackson (Cary C. Banks/Hannah Jackson)
  • You're Here Now – Clifton Castle (Allen B. Morgan/Clifton Castle)

Winning artists will receive a one-time cash prize of $200, copies of the album, and the chance to perform their winning songs on the Lubbock Music NOW TV Show.

Dirk Fowler, an associate professor at Texas Tech University and a well-respected graphic designer known for his unique concert posters, will create the cover art for the 2025 album.

The album will be released in early February 2025.

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