LISD Teacher on Leave After Burns on Students' Hands


LUBBOCK, TX — Lubbock ISD Administration is investigating an incident with a teacher at Evans Middle School in which multiple students sustained burns on their hands. According to a release from Lubbock ISD, a teacher had a group of students perform "bear crawls" on an outdoor track that had become heated by the day's high temperatures.

In the release, Lubbock ISD emphasized, "This type of incident does not reflect the standards or values of Lubbock ISD and Evans Middle School."

The teacher involved has been placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation.

The district expressed deep concern and regret for the distress this has caused students and their families, emphasizing that “no child should ever face harm in a learning environment.” The release states Lubbock ISD is committed to ensuring incidents like this do not happen again.

Lubbock ISD states that it has clear policies on appropriate disciplinary actions and takes any departures from these standards seriously. Lubbock ISD reassured students and parents that it is handling the situation according to district protocols.

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