Lubbock is Providing Safe and Lead-Free Water to Residents


LUBBOCK, TX — The City of Lubbock has successfully completed a vital water service line inventory, which shows that Lubbock is providing residents with safe and clean drinking water that meets all state and federal standards.

According to a press release, the city has been actively identifying the materials used in its water service lines since 2021, and officials reported that there are no lead service lines in Lubbock. 

This is a significant achievement in the City’s ongoing efforts to ensure public health and safety. Lubbock has been dedicated to delivering high-quality water services for over a century, and this inventory helps the City comply with the Environmental Protection Agency’s Lead and Copper Rule Revisions.

Where does Lubbock get its water from? (2023)

Where does Lubbock get its water from? (2023)


Originally established in 1991, the EPA Lead and Copper Rule aimed to reduce lead levels in drinking water. With recent updates, cities are now required to take proactive steps to address potential risks from contaminants that can enter drinking water through corroded plumbing.

To keep residents informed and safe, Lubbock is rolling out several key strategies:

  • Comprehensive Water Service Line Inventory: The City has successfully identified all water service lines in the community and is fully compliant as of October 16, 2024. This inventory will be updated annually, allowing for better planning and management of future projects.
  • Infrastructure Upgrades: Lubbock is investing in modernizing its water treatment facilities and distribution systems to further reduce any potential contaminants.
  • Community Engagement: The City is maintaining a corrosion control program to minimize pipe corrosion and is encouraging residents to participate in water sampling at their taps.
  • Enhanced Monitoring and Testing: The City is increasing the frequency and scope of water quality testing to ensure that all standards are met.

City officials emphasize how vital safe tap water is for the health and well-being of the community. The release states that they assure residents that the water from Lubbock’s two treatment plants is lead-free and that no city water service lines contain lead.

The annual Water Quality Report is available on the City’s website at Additional information about the inventory can be found at

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