O.L. Slaton to Hold Meeting on School's Closure


LUBBOCK, TX — O.L. Slaton Middle School will hold a campus update meeting on Monday, November 11, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. to discuss the school's future.

The meeting is open to all parents and community members and provides an opportunity to ask questions and voice concerns about the changes to the middle school.

According to a post on the school’s official Facebook page, the Future Focus Committee has recommended closing O.L. Slaton Middle School at the end of the current school year. If the proposal moves forward, students from O.L. Slaton would be reassigned to Atkins Middle School and Dunbar College Preparatory Academy.

Parents and community members are encouraged to attend the meeting to learn more about the impact on the school community.

O.L. Slaton is located at 1602 32nd Street.

O.L. Slaton Announcement on Closing Down

O.L. Slaton Announcement on Closing Down

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