Lubbock Code Administration to Cleanup Redbud Neighborhood


LUBBOCK, TX — The City of Lubbock’s Code Administration Department will conduct a Neighborhood Deployment in the Redbud Neighborhood on Wednesday, December 11, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The deployment will take place in the area bordered by 4th Street, Slide Road, 19th Street, and Frankford Avenue.

Lubbock Code Administration to Cleanup Redbud Neighborhood

Lubbock Code Administration to Cleanup Redbud Neighborhood

According to a release from the City of Lubbock, a field office will be set up in the parking lot of Redbud Baptist Church at 801 Slide Road.

Code Inspectors will be in the area to identify violations related to junked vehicles, nuisance weeds, rubbish, substandard housing, and zoning. Inspectors will speak with residents about city ordinances, issue citations for violations, and address violations directly during the event.

Solid Waste will also provide a roll-off dumpster at the field office to allow residents in the affected area to dispose of unwanted bulky items such as furniture, appliances, and tree branches.

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