Road Maintenance on FM 835 Closes Lanes, Expect Delays


LUBBOCK, TX — Starting Monday, December 16, the Texas Department of Transportation’s Southeast Lubbock Maintenance crew will begin routine road maintenance on FM 835 (50th Street) from Interstate 27 to Avenue A.

According to a TxDOT news release, maintenance will take several days and reduce traffic to one lane. Crews will begin on the westbound lanes, with lane closures expected daily from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. No overnight closures have been planned for the project.

Drivers should anticipate slow-moving traffic and possible delays along the route. TxDOT advises motorists to find alternate routes to avoid congestion and minimize travel time.

For the safety of both drivers and workers, motorists are urged to pay attention and slow down when entering the work zone.

Work will take place weather permitting.

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