LBK Community’s Non-Profit Fair Set for February 5


LUBBOCK, TX — Lubbock Public Health’s LBK Community announced the Connect and Collaborate (C&C) Non-Profit Fair, scheduled for February 5, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center.

This event brings together people from local non-profit organizations to network, share resources, and build relationships across Lubbock County.

A press release stated that twelve non-profit groups will give short, 5-7-minute presentations describing their work and how they help local residents.

“This event is all about connecting the people who work in non-profits so they can collaborate and help each other create a bigger impact,” said Ariea Alexander, event coordinator for LBK Community.

The fair is not open to the general public, stated the release.

For more information about the Connect and Collaborate Non-Profit Fair, contact Ariea Alexander at [email protected] or call (806) 775-3269.

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