Mayor McBrayer Vows to Keep 4th on Broadway Tradition Alive


LUBBOCK, TX — After Broadway Festivals Inc. announced it would no longer hold the 4th on Broadway event on Jan. 6, Lubbock Mayor Mark McBrayer released a statement saying he is working to find a way to keep the tradition alive.

The announcement that the popular 4th of July event would be canceled in 2025 follows the passing of event founder Don Caldwell in May 2024 and some tough challenges for the organization. 

In a statement, McBrayer expressed gratitude to the Caldwell family for creating the festival 34 years ago and said he is exploring different ways to bring it back in 2025 and for the future.

“4th on Broadway is about celebrating freedom and coming together as a community,” McBrayer said. “I can’t imagine a 4th of July without it, and we’re committed to finding a way to keep it going.”

The festival has been a summer staple for Lubbock, drawing thousands of people in the South Plains for the morning parade, music, food, and fireworks to cap off the night. Although last year’s fireworks show was canceled due to weather, McBrayer is optimistic about finding a solution.

“I encourage everyone to share their ideas and support as we work to make sure this tradition continues,” he said. 

The city will need an organization to handle contracts with vendors, and Mayor McBrayer thinks Civic Lubbock, Inc. is likely the best option. While the cost and budget are still being worked out, he mentioned that the city could handle expenses like police support.

While there are other groups that could help, McBrayer thinks Civic Lubbock would be perfect for taking on the job.

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