Lubbock Lions Club Cuts Ribbon for 73rd Pancake Festival


LUBBOCK, TX — The Lubbock Lions Club celebrated the 73rd Annual Pancake Festival and honored the legacy of Lion Ron Betenbough with a ribbon cutting presented by the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce.

Watch the ribbon-cutting ceremony below:



According to its website, the Lions Club works to improve communities by offering help locally and globally. Members volunteer together, take on leadership roles, and support initiatives that address their community's needs.

The Lubbock Lions Club hosts the annual Pancake Festival to bring the community together and raise funds for over 30 local charities. All profits from the event are donated to causes such as the Adult Eyeglass Program, Meals on Wheels, and the Texas Lions Camp for children with special needs.

Ron Betenbough, co-founder of Betenbough Homes and a Lubbock Lion, passed away in August 2024 at the age of 83. He will be honored at the event.

The 73rd Annual Pancake Festival will be serving up pancakes, sausage, bacon, coffee, milk, orange juice, and plenty of other items throughout the day.

The festival will be at the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center on February 15 from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Tickets can be purchased online here for $10 until 3:00 p.m. on February 14 or $12 at the door on the day of the event. Children 4 and under eat for free.

Lubbock Lions Club Cuts Ribbon for 73rd Pancake Festival

Lubbock Lions Club Cuts Ribbon for 73rd Pancake Festival

(South Plains LIVE! Photo/Nick Thompson)

73rd Annual Pancake Festival in Lubbock, TX

73rd Annual Pancake Festival in Lubbock, TX

(Credit: Lubbock Lion's Club)

The Lubbock Lion's Club hosts the 73rd annual Pancake Festival in Lubbock, TX

The Lubbock Lion's Club hosts the 73rd annual Pancake Festival in Lubbock, TX

(Credit: Lubbock Lion's Club)

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