World's Largest Pancake Festival Flips for Charity


LUBBOCK, TX — The 73rd Annual Pancake Festival, presented by the Lubbock Lions Club, is in full swing today at the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center!

Pancakes on the griddle at the World's Largest Pancake Festival

Pancakes on the griddle at the World's Largest Pancake Festival

(South Plains LIVE! Photo/Nick Thompson)

The Lubbock Lions Club brings the Hub City together every year for a fun-filled day of pancakes, sausage, bacon, and more. The event runs until 7:00 p.m. Saturday, February 15.

Founded in 1929, the Lubbock Lions Club hosts the event every year and is recognized as the largest pancake festival in the world. 

The festival features an impressive spread of nearly 6,000 pounds of pancake mix, 41,000 ounces of syrup, 46,500 servings of milk and orange juice, 240 gallons of coffee, 72,000 sausage links, and over 23,000 slices of bacon, according to their website. The event also serves up 3,850 pieces of bubble gum, over 2,000 bags of cotton candy, and 2,000+ face tattoos for the kids.

The Lubbock Lions Club serving up flapjacks during the 73rd Annual Pancake Festival

The Lubbock Lions Club serving up flapjacks during the 73rd Annual Pancake Festival

(South Plains LIVE! Photo/Nick Thompson)

The real goal of the Pancake Festival is to raise funds for local causes. All profits from the event benefit more than 30 Lubbock charities, including Meals on Wheels, the Salvation Army, and the Texas Lions Camp for children with special needs. In 2019, the event raised over $122,000.

The Pancake Festival is a fun opportunity to support a great cause while enjoying an all-you-can-eat breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

The 73rd Annual Pancake Festival is held annually at the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center, 1501 Mac Davis Lane, from 7:00 p.m. Saturday, February 15.

Grab as many pancakes as you can eat!

Grab as many pancakes as you can eat!

(South Plains LIVE! Photo/Nick Thompson)

Hit a wall eating unlimited pancakes? Grab some cotton candy!

Hit a wall eating unlimited pancakes? Grab some cotton candy!

(South Plains LIVE! Photo/Nick Thompson)

Lubbock Lions Club's 73rd Annual Pancake Festival

Lubbock Lions Club's 73rd Annual Pancake Festival

(South Plains LIVE! Photo/Nick Thompson)

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