Meadowbrook Golf Course to Reopen Soon After Renovations


LUBBOCK, TX — After being closed for renovations and clean-up, Meadowbrook Golf Course is set to reopen on March 1 with a fresh new look.

According to a post on Meadowbrook Golf Club’s Facebook page, the course will offer special promotional rates throughout March and April.

Meadowbrook Golf Club's new logo

Meadowbrook Golf Club's new logo


Current members will still have their memberships honored and extended for 2 months to account for the 2-month closure. Beginning May 1, regular rates will resume with the same pricing as the 2024 season.

Golfers should book tee times online at to secure the best rates, not through a third-party website or app. The post said online reservations and promotional offers will be available starting February 24.

Meadowbrook Golf Club is located at 601 East Municipal Drive.

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