Firefighters Rescue Person in Wheelchair from House Fire


LUBBOCK, TX — Lubbock Fire Rescue responded to reports of a house fire in south Lubbock on February 20.

Just after 2:00 p.m., a 911 caller reported a fire in the 3800 block of 94th Place. As firefighters were on their way, several units spotted a large column of smoke rising from the area.

When Station 16 arrived, they found a small, single-story home with flames visible from the front and side. According to a press release, Quint 16 rushed inside to fight the fire while Truck 17 began searching the house. 

Before entering the house, an occupant told firefighters that someone might still be inside.

Crews quickly located a resident in a wheelchair and safely helped them out of the house. The fire was contained to just the bedroom and hallway, according to LFR.

The Lubbock Fire Marshal’s Office later found that the fire was caused by a faulty extension cord underneath furniture in the master bedroom.

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