Lubbock Rallies Behind Fired Texas Tech Rodeo Coach


LUBBOCK, TX — On Thursday, September 5, Texas Tech University parted ways with the Red Raiders, now former, Rodeo Coach Jerrad Hosstetter for alleged misconduct.

“After an extensive review regarding multiple concerns, Jerrad Hofstetter was terminated as the Texas Tech Rodeo coach for misconduct, effective September 5, 2024,” the university stated in a statement.

After the news broke, an outpouring from the community voiced their support for Hosstetter and expressed outrage over the firing.

Cook’s Garage was one of the loudest voices in support of the former Red Raiders Rodeo coach.

“We are deeply saddened by Texas Tech University’s decision to terminate Coach Jerrad Hoffstetter,” Cook’s Garage said in a statement on their Facebook page. “He has built an incredible rodeo program despite the countless hardships and disadvantages placed on him by the University. For years, he has taught so many young men and women across the country the importance of charity and hard work.”

Texas Tech Rodeo Team

Texas Tech Rodeo Team


“Like us, Jerrad comes from a farming and ranching background and has instilled and inspired the beliefs of patriotism, respect, hard work, and persistence in the lives of every student and individual he encounters.”

As mentioned before, Texas Tech released a short statement on the matter but remains tight-lipped about what actually happened.

“Because this is a personnel issue, Texas Tech University will not comment further on this matter,” Texas Tech said. “The search for a new coach is underway, and we’re committed to supporting our students throughout this transition."

Several posts made on social media come out in defense of Hosstetter, and many believe there may be more to the story. It’s up to everyone to make their own informed decision about the situation, but many around the area do not agree with the firing.

Since he took over the position at Texas Tech, Hostetter helped grow the rodeo team to more than 90 members. The Red Raiders send multiple athletes to compete on the college circuit every year and seem always to have someone appearing in the National Finals College Rodeo.

Details on this situation remain sparse, but hopefully, Lubbock will receive more answers about what went wrong in the program in the future.

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