Earthquake Felt Around Lubbock


LUBBOCK, TX — At around 10:40 p.m. on Monday, July 22, residents from around Lubbock reported feeling an earthquake all across the city.

The United States Geological Survey's website recorded a 4.9-magnitude earthquake 10.5 miles northeast of Hermleigh, Texas, near the town of Snyder. Reports showed tremors being felt south in San Angelo and around Lubbock. There were even some reports of people feeling the earthquake as far east as Dallas.

Earthquake in Hermleigh, Texas

Earthquake in Hermleigh, Texas


The strongest recorded earthquake in Texas history was 5.8 outside the far West Texas town of Valentine in 1931.

Only six earthquakes in the state have been recorded at a magnitude 5 or greater.

No further information is available at this time.

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