Rep. Arrington is Not Alone: Biden's State of the Union Speech was Awful


SAN ANGELO, TX — Three west Texas congressmen panned President Joe Biden's State of the Union address delivered Thursday night. All three took Biden to task for a disastrous regarding the U.S.-Mexico border, especially Rep. Tony Gonzales (CD-23) who represents a district that incorporates nearly 900 miles of the border.

"The Biden administration owns the border crisis. Dangerous human traffickers and cartels have taken control of our borders. His administration has refused to take responsibility for rolling back Trump-era policies that were effective in deterring illegal immigration, deadly fentanyl, and dangerous actors from pouring into our country," said Gonzeles in a statement released following Biden's address.

Rep. August Pfluger (CD-11) echoed Gonzales, adding additional consequences of Biden's "radical" agenda. 

"Americans deserve a strong economy, a secure border, energy independence, and a national security posture that protects Americans at home and abroad. Unfortunately, this President has done everything he can to weaken our country," Pfluger said.

Rep. Jodey Arrington (CD-19) explained that under the past three years of Biden's leadership, "Out communities aren't safer, the border is less secure, and our paychecks are smaller... America is in decline," Arrington said in a Facebook reel released after Biden's SOTU speech.

Political commentator Tucker Carlson offered his thoughts on the speech immediately following. He argued that Biden appeared angry and told many lies. He was joined by Victor Davis Hanson and (of all folks!) Alex Jones for an interesting conversation.

"The only way we can change course is to change leadership," Arrington said.

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