5K Color Run Celebrating Lubbock Hero Luke Siegel


LUBBOCK, TX — Team Luke Hope for Minds hosted its 6th annual 5K Color Run on Saturday morning, August 24th, at Lubbock-Cooper High School in honor of Luke Siegel, who has significantly impacted West Texas and the nation.

“What everyone is doing today means the world to Luke, my family, and everyone we have been a part of,” Tim Siegel, Luke’s father, stated Saturday morning before the race.


Money raised from the run will support children and families affected by brain injuries, similar to the injuries Luke experienced in 2015 after a golf cart accident. Luke passed away in 2021 due to complications from COVID-19.

“In the last three years, we've granted over half a million dollars to families. We're in 47 states and walking counties each and every day. And the fact that you are all here today to help families come to our conference in Austin, our most important few days of the year, means the absolute world to me” Siegel said.

Starting Line at Team Luke Hope for Minds 5k Color Run

Starting Line at Team Luke Hope for Minds 5k Color Run

(South Plains LIVE! Photo/Nick Thompson)

The race kicked off at 9:00 a.m. as more than a hundred participants got ready to walk, run, or ride around the high school.

Before the run, the event featured a “Touch-A-Truck” event where responder vehicles, a race car, a helicopter, and more were showcased. Kids and adults could interact with the vehicles and meet the operators to learn about their jobs.

First Responder Vehicles at Touch-A-Truck Event

First Responder Vehicles at Touch-A-Truck Event

(South Plains LIVE! Photo/Nick Thompson)

Vehicles at Touch-A-Truck Event

Vehicles at Touch-A-Truck Event

(South Plains LIVE! Photo/Nick Thompson)

Helicopter at Touch-A-Truck Event

Helicopter at Touch-A-Truck Event

(South Plain LIVE! Photo/Nick Thompson)

Luke’s father urged everyone to shout, “Fight Like Luke,” as they threw color in the air and began the fun run.

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