Missed Tex-Mex Restaurant to Re-Open


LUBBOCK, TX – Despite a few major setbacks over the recent years, a cherished authentic Mexican and Tex-Mex restaurant is opening again in central Lubbock on August 28, 2024.

Durango’s, a local favorite in the Hub City, announced on Facebook over the recent months that they will bring back their adored dishes to their original location at 4102 34th Street.

Many loyal customers in the community are deeply excited for the restaurant to get back on its feet again, according to comments on Durango’s Facebook posts.

Durango's to Open at Original Location August 28

Durango's to Open August 28

(Credit: Facebook.com)

Durango’s, which originally opened in January 2002, quickly developed a loyal customer base and expanded to two additional locations over the years.

However, in 2018, a former employee and close friend of the family was discovered to have stolen $15,000 over several months, leading to significant financial loss for the business. Durango's then closed down in November 2019, according to Lubbock in the Loop.

Regardless of the adversity the family faced, they remained dedicated to preserving the restaurant's legacy.

Durango’s has asked to spread the word as the “time has come” for locals to get their fix on authentic Mexican and Tex-Mex dishes.

Their opening hours are listed below:

Monday – CLOSED

Tuesday through Thursday – 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Friday and Saturday – 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Sunday – 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Durango's to Open at Original Location August 28

Durango's to Open at Original Location August 28

(Credit: Facebook.com)

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