Texas Tech Hits Record Enrollment of 41,045 Students


LUBBOCK, TX – Texas Tech University has achieved a historic milestone with a 12th-class-day enrollment of 41,045 students, marking the first time the university has surpassed the 41,000 mark.

In line with its growth, Texas Tech has expanded its student support resources to ensure a personalized and connected experience. The university's commitment to student success is evident in its recent achievements, including awarding a record 9,994 degrees for the 2024 academic year. Texas Tech also reached all-time highs in four-year and six-year graduation rates, at 50% and 66%, respectively, with a notable 20% increase in the four-year graduation rate over the past five years.

Texas Tech President Lawrence Schovanec stated in the release, “At Texas Tech, we continue to place students first and provide an educational experience that ensures they have the skills to succeed in the workplace and their chosen careers.” 

“We are also responding to the changing student demographics by strategically reaching a broader range of students including non-traditional and transfer students, and those who left college without completing a degree,” noted Schovanec.

Texas Tech is proud of the exceptional quality of its students, and 2024 is no different.

The Honors College has reached a milestone this year, with enrollment surpassing 2,000 students for the first time in its 25-year history. The incoming cohort has grown nearly 14% compared to last year's group.

Despite the impressive enrollment numbers, Texas Tech’s goals remain unchanged. 

New students join a diverse campus community that includes individuals from all 50 states, 250 of Texas’ 254 counties, one federal district, three U.S. territories, and 108 countries. 

The university is committed to guiding these students toward a brighter future.

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