Daughter Missing Since Sept. 1 is Found


UPDATE: Audriana Sanders, who has been missing since September 1st has been found. Sanders' mother reached out on Facebook saying, "I want to foremost thank everyone from the bottom of my heart. I am truly moved by all the shares and prayers and all the effort put into finding my girl."

LUBBOCK, TX — A mother's heartache is growing as she pleads for help in locating her missing daughter, Audriana Sanders, 34, who has been out of touch for 17 days. Sanders disappeared on September 1, 2024, after leaving Seminole to return to her home in Lubbock.

In a heartfelt Facebook post, the mother detailed her ongoing struggle and the extensive search efforts she has undertaken. 

She last saw Audriana in her car at 2:30 p.m. on the day she went missing. Since then, no signs of her or any communication has prompted a desperate search across multiple cities including Lubbock, Brownfield, Plains, Denver City, and Hobbs.

The mother has tirelessly combed through various locations in Lubbock, where Sanders has lived for the past three years, and has retraced her steps back to Seminole. Despite these efforts, she has not found any trace of her daughter. The prolonged silence has led her to reach out publicly even though she had been hesitant to do so.

Car that Audriana was last seen in

The white Hyundai sedan that Audriana was last seen in

(Credit: facebook.com/nina.valdez3)

“My heart is shattered,” she wrote. “It’s been too many days without any word from her, and this is not like her at all. My mother’s heart can’t take the uncertainty anymore. I need to know where my child is.”

In a plea to the community, she asked for any help or information that could aid in finding Audriana. “No matter how old your children are, they will always be your babies,” she said. “Please, from one mother to another, help me find my child. This has gone on long enough.”

As the search continues, local authorities and community members are encouraged to assist in locating Audriana and bringing her back safely.

Audriana Sanders has been missing since September 1st

Audriana Sanders has been missing since September 1st

(Credit: facebook.com/nina.valdez3)

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