Join Mayor McBrayer for "Coffee with the Mayor"


LUBBOCK, TX — Lubbock Mayor Mark McBrayer, in collaboration with Councilman Gordon Harris, will host the second "Coffee with the Mayor" event in District 2 on Wednesday, October 23.

The event will start at 7:00 a.m. at the Mae Simmons Community Center at 2004 Oak Avenue.

According to a press release, Mayor McBrayer intends to host Coffee with the Mayor once a month, each time with a member of the Lubbock City Council in their district. 

Coffee with the Mayor allows residents to meet with the Mayor and their Council Representative one-on-one to discuss issues and topics of concern.

The event is open to the public, and all residents are invited to attend. Residents can contact the Mayor’s office or visit the official City of Lubbock website for further details.

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