LFR Promotes First Woman in Department’s History


LUBBOCK, TX — Lubbock Fire Rescue has promoted Brandi Speiser to Captain, making her the first woman to hold this position in the department’s history.

According to a press release, Speiser has served with Lubbock Fire Rescue for over 15 years and is recognized for her leadership, dedication, and service to the community.

“Captain Speiser’s promotion reflects her hard work and commitment to the department,” said Fire Chief Richard Stewart. “Her leadership sets a positive example for others, and we hope it encourages more women to pursue careers in firefighting.”

Speiser expressed her gratitude for the opportunity and the support she received. “This promotion results from many hours of learning and training,” she said. “I’m excited to continue growing alongside the crew at Station 1. I’m also thankful for the women who came before me and helped pave the way.”

As Captain, Speiser will be stationed at Fire Station No. 1, leading Truck 1. 

Before joining Lubbock Fire Rescue, she spent 12 years as a Paramedic with UMC EMS.

Lubbock Fire Rescue has promoted Brandi Speiser to Captain

Lubbock Fire Rescue has promoted Brandi Speiser to Captain

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