Bahama Buck's Free "Sno Day" is Back


LUBBOCK, TX—Bahama Buck's is treating the Hub City to its annual “Sno Day” this Tuesday, December 3.

The popular shaved ice chain will offer free 12 oz "Sno" cones all day long at all Lubbock locations.

The event is limited to one free Sno per person. Guests can choose from various flavors to cool down on a warm December day, but extra toppings cost extra.

All four Bahama Buck's locations in Lubbock will partake in the event:

  • 2515 82nd Street
  • 5009 50th Street
  • 7718 Milwaukee Avenue
  • 5818 4th Street

An extended drive-thru will be set up at all locations, but customers can also order in the store for their free “Sno” cone. Everyone is encouraged to come early to enjoy the free treat while supplies last.

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