LISD to Meet on Consolidations, Bean and Harwell Cut From Plans


LUBBOCK, TX — Lubbock ISD's Future Focus Committee will meet on December 3 to approve consolidating several schools, but Bean and Harwell Elementary Schools are no longer included in the plan.

According to a press release from LISD, during the meeting, a recommendation to consolidate several schools within the district will be considered and possibly approved. The proposed changes include consolidating Overton Elementary School into Rush Elementary School, O.L. Slaton Middle School into Dunbar College Preparatory Academy, and Atkins Middle School into other schools. 

Additionally, the Board will discuss closing Hodges Elementary School, effective for the 2025-2026 school year. 

This recommendation was presented during the November 21 Regular Meeting of the Board. Bean Elementary School has now been removed from the consolidation plan for Phase 1.

The Board will also review proposed changes to school attendance zones to accommodate the consolidations. These new boundaries will take effect alongside the proposed school closures if approved.

The Board is also scheduled to enter a closed session to consult with the district’s attorney and discuss potential real estate transactions and personnel matters. Any decisions made during the closed session will be announced in the open meeting afterward.

The Lubbock Independent School District Board of Trustees will hold the meeting today, Wednesday, December 4, at 6:00 p.m. at the LISD Central Office at 1628 19th Street.The public is encouraged to attend in person or view the meeting online. These decisions may significantly impact Lubbock ISD students, staff, and families.

The meeting will also be available for live streaming on the Lubbock ISD YouTube channel here.

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