Buddy Holly Center to Host Bob Willoughby Jazz Exhibit at FFAT


LUBBOCK, TX — The Buddy Holly Center will showcase Shutter and Sound: The Jazz Photography of Bob Willoughby for February's First Friday Art Trail.

The exhibit is part of the LHUCA 's monthly event. Local galleries, businesses, and restaurants throughout Lubbock open their doors for the First Friday Art Trail.

According to a press release, Shutter and Sound will include 50 iconic images photographer Bob Willoughby took during the 1950s, capturing the lively jazz scene in California. Willoughby is known for his candid shots of musicians, and his work offers a unique window into the era of jazz artists and the nightlife of Los Angeles at the time.

The exhibit will be displayed in the Buddy Holly Center’s Fine Arts Gallery from January 31 to March 16 from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Admission is free.

First Friday Art Trail is a monthly Lubbock event celebrating local art. For more details about the event or the Buddy Holly Center, visit www.ffat.org.

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