Lubbock Acquires 1,500 Acres for Lake 7 Project


LUBBOCK, TX – Lubbock has reached an important milestone in the creation of Lake 7, a project that is a major part of the city’s long-term water plan.

On Friday, February 14, Mayor Mark McBrayer signed an agreement to buy the 1,500-acre V8 Ranch, which covers more than 85% of the land needed for the project.

Lake 7 will be located between Buffalo Springs Lake and East 50th Street. It will provide the city with a renewable water source and offer recreational opportunities for anyone in the area.

The idea for the lake has been around since the 1970s and was even unofficially named after city employee Jim Bertram. In 2007, the lake was officially approved to be a "unique reservoir," which would provide extra water for the city.

The city's next step is to apply for a United States Army Corps of Engineers permit under the Clean Water Act.

The project is on track to be finished by 2032 when the lake will start collecting water.

The city also thanked the owners of V8 Ranch for their help in making this important project possible.

Proposed Lubbock Lake 7

Proposed Lubbock Lake 7


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