LPD Launches New Crime Tip Reporting System


LUBBOCK, TX – The Lubbock Police Department has rolled out a new system for people to report crime tips.

The system is called P3 Community (or P3 Tips) and allows people to send tips through their phones or computers while still being eligible for rewards.

According to a release from LPD, P3 Tips will work with Crime Line, and it will give the public an extra way to report criminal activity, including the locations of wanted individuals. 

People can submit tips anonymously and upload images, videos, or even audio to support their reports. Once submitted, tips are assigned to the right police department staff or units to investigate further.

The P3 system is available on both mobile phones and desktop computers.

You can access it through a link (https://qrco.de/bflFQC) or by scanning the QR code at the bottom of this page. It is also available on the Lubbock Police Department’s website under the "Reports and Forms" tab.

LPD reminds everyone to call 9-1-1 if there’s an emergency or a crime happening. 

For non-emergency tips, the Crime Line is still available at 806-741-1000.

P3 System QR Code

P3 System QR Code

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