2-Car Midnight Crash at I-27 and 82nd Street


LUBBOCK, TX — A crash near midnight early Thursday morning saw significant damage dealt to two small cars.

Crash on 82nd Street near I-27

Crash on 82nd Street near I-27

(South Plains LIVE! Photo/Ryan Chadwick)

The Lubbock Police Department responded to a crash near the intersection of I-27 South and 82nd Street at around midnight.

Check out the scene below:

Two black compact cars collided in what appeared to be a t-bone crash where one of the cars failed to control its speed or another car pulled in front of another. No ambulances were present when our reporter arrived on the scene, so it is unknown if serious injuries resulted from the crash.

Crash on 82nd Street near I-27

Crash on 82nd Street near I-27

(South Plains LIVE! Photo/Ryan Chadwick)

Crash on 82nd Street near I-27

Crash on 82nd Street near I-27

(South Plains LIVE! Photo/Ryan Chadwick)

Both cars were able to pull into the parking lot at the Stripes Gas Station on 82nd Street, so traffic was not hindered in the aftermath. It is unclear what caused the crash or if anyone was cited for a traffic violation.

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