Mustang Spins Out of Control on Loop 289


LUBBOCK, TX — Lubbock Fire and Rescue responded to a what could have been a significant crash on South Loop 289 near Southeast Drive around 3 p.m. today. According to dispatch, a Ford Mustang hydroplaned, spun out of control, and struck the guardrail.

The Mustang was found facing oncoming traffic on top of the overpass at Southeast Drive. Although initial reports raised concerns about potential injuries, medics on the scene confirmed that no one was hurt. The incident occurred as the Mustang lost control on the wet roadway, prompting several concerned motorists to call 9-1-1.

Despite the minor damage, the Mustang was able to drive away from the crash site.

Mustang Spins Out of Control on Loop 289 on Sept 2, 2024

Mustang Spins Out of Control on Loop 289 on Sept 2, 2024

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