Lubbock's Latest Restaurant Health Inspections Mar. 8-14


LUBBOCK, TX Two local restaurants and one chain received low scores in this week's health inspections, while seven others received adequate ratings. However, 10 restaurants earned high performance scores in the Hub City.

Top performers have scores considered 90 and above, while adequate performers score between 80 and 89. Low performers have scores of 79 and below.

Below is the list of performers for the week of March 8 through 14:

Low Performers:

Miguel’s at 2002 Broadway Street
Score: 72
Violations: 18

  • RTE beans held at 48F in WIC. RTE beans had been prepared 3.10.2025. All other product in WIC <41F.
  • RTE diced tomatoes held at 48F in prep cooler. Thermometer in cooler registered 50F.
  • RTE sour cream held at 50F in prep cooler. Thermometer in cooler registered 50F.
  • RTE shrimp held at 50F in prep cooler. Thermometer in cooler registered 50F.
  • RTE rice that had been cooked and cooled reheated to 135F before hot holding.
  • RTE chicken with a preparation date of 3.3.2025 held beyond use or discard date of 3.9.2025.
  • RTE pozole, containing cut vegetables, with a preparation date of 3.2.2025 held beyond use or discard date of 3.7.2025.
  • RTE chili con carne with a preparation date of 3.4.2025 held beyond use or discard date of 3.10.2025.
  • RTE barbacoa held in prep cooler in a package that does not bear a date or day or preparation.
  • RTE beef shank with mold growth. RTE beef shank dated 1.27.2024 as date of preparation.
  • Dish machine sanitizing at 0 mg/L chlorine sanitizing solution in coffee shop.
  • Manual shut off valves installed downstream of AVB on service sink, not designed and approved for that specific application.
  • Prepared on site RTE cut tomatoes date marked with an 8 day use or discard date. Cut tomatoes within 7 day use or discard period.
  • Single use articles stored on floor in upstairs storage room.
  • White substance stored in non original container, not identified with common name of food.
  • Employee personal drink stored on prep counter.
  • Mops stored wet, between use, in service sink and mop bucket.
  • Establishment serves shrimp ceviche without an approved variance.

Orlando’s at 6951 Indiana Avenue
Score: 78
Violations: 23

  • Cooked rice stored inside a prep area reach-in cooler at 54°F.
  • The cutting board and a tomato slicer, both located by the slicer, were visibly soiled, and PIC states they were not used today.
  • Clean spoons and forks stored by the steam table with soup were visibly soiled.
  • A slicer was visibly soiled, and PIC states it was not used today.
  • Coffee pots visibly soiled.
  • Staff washed hands, shut the faucet off with clean hands, and then obtained a paper towel to dry hands.
  • Employee poured a dressing into a portion cup, rubbed hands on clothing, and returned to food service without washing their hands.
  • Two quaternary ammonium wiping towel containers, and hand sanitizer were stored on top of table and over single-service foam to-go containers in the dining area storage area.
  • Prepared soups stored in the walk-in cooler did not have a date mark.
  • Ceramic serving bowls in the clean wares rack were visibly damaged on the edges.
  • The lid gasket on the reach-in freezer with ice cream storage was visibly damaged, torn.
  • Ice cream stored in the reach-in freezer across from the salad cooler were stored without a cover.
  • Large gallon containers of dressing, olive oil, and portioned cups of oil dressings were stored under the hand sink waste line in the prep area.
  • Reach-in freezer with ice cream storage is soiled with frost build-up.
  • A bowl used for dispensing was stored inside the frozen French fry container in the reach-in freezer.
  • Clean utensils were stored in a visibly soiled holder next to the soup steam table.
  • A single-service portion cup is being used to dispense bread crumbs.
  • Reach-in cooler, and reach-in freezer units in the salad area are visibly soiled on the interior and exterior surfaces.
  • The racks and shelves with food storage, and utensil storage throughout the kitchen were soiled, and dusty.
  • The mixer in the dough area was visibly soiled on the pedestal, and the splash guard above the bowl area.
  • The floors and the walls throughout the facility, including the walk-in freezer, were observed with an accumulation of grease and other food debris.
  • Personal drinks were found stored above the prep tables in the prep areas.
  • No covered container in the ladies restroom.

Chuy’s at 4805 S. Loop 289
Score: 78
Violations: 20

  • Cooked ready to eat chicken held at 127°F at grill station.
  • An open bag of commercially sliced jalapeños stored inside a container of ready-to-eat salad mix in the reach-in cooler on prep line.
  • Clean utensils hanging on back prep wall with food residue on food-contact surface of utensils.
  • Sanitizer buckets with quaternary ammonia solution sanitizer with concentrations above 500ppm quaternary ammonia.
  • Ware wash machine that uses hot water sanitation not achieving a utensil surface temperature of 160°F.
  • Cleaned service wares stored on storage shelf by ice machine visibly soiled with food residue on food contact surfaces.
  • Cleaned service ware lids hanging on storage wall visibly soiled with food residue on food contact surfaces.
  • Plates and bowls on cook/prep line visibly soiled with food residue on food contact surfaces.
  • One employee performed a 6 second hand wash and another employee perform a 10 second hand wash.
  • A container of RTE/TCS prepared on site green chili salsa and a container of RTE/TCS prepared on site green salsa kept 1 day past their discard date of 3/11 in walk in cooler.
  • No irreversible registering temperature indicator for hot water mechanical ware washing supplied at time of inspection.
  • Spatula with chipped and missing pieces on food-contact surface stored in prep cooler at drink station.
  • A wet cloth not in immediate use stored on prep surface in front of grill.
  • A wet cloth not in immediate use stored on prep surface of tortilla prep area.
  • Gasket on walk in cooler door is damaged and separating at the top of the door.
  • Plates and bowls on cook/prep line wet stacked.
  • Wares on storage rack and shelf at ware wash wet stacked.
  • Wares on storage rack by ice machine wet stacked.
  • A bulk food container with white crumbs without identification stored on shelf in dry storage area.
  • Wares on storage rack by ice machine with sticker residue on nonfood-contact surfaces.

Adequate Performers:

Braum’s at 11815 Quaker Avenue
Score: 83
Violations: 14

  • Shredded cheddar cheese had a temperature of 61 °F located on prep table near east drive-through window. PIC did not know how long the product had been without refrigeration.
  • Sliced tomatoes had a temperature of 51 °F and shredded lettuce had a temperature of 61 °F located on service line across from grill. TCS products had a time stamp of 9:41 am. TCS products held past four hours according to time stamp
  • Pepper jack had a temperature of 47 °F and provolone had a temperature of 51 °F located on table next to griddle. TCS products had a time stamp of 9:41 am. TCS products held past four hours according to time stamp.
  • Tomatoes, shredded lettuce, pepper jack cheese, and provolone cheese held past four hour mark according to time stamp located in grill area. Time stamp was noted at 9:41 am.
  • Food-contact surface of knife soiled with food residue located on knife holder above prep table located near east drive-through window.
  • Soiled grill scraper stored on knife holder with clean knife located on knife holder in griddle area.
  • Sanitizer bucket containing sanitizer solution stored on prep table above utensils located in griddle area.
  • Chemical spray bottle of glass cleaner stored with closed packaged of single-use cups located under registers.
  • Sanitizer bucket containing a sanitizer solution stored on prep table above lids located near east drive-through window.
  • Employee washed a wiping cloth in hand washing sink located near ice cream station.
  • Container of brown powder, located on shelf above west prep table, not labeled to identify its contents. PIC stated powder is hamburger seasoning.
  • Area behind ready-to-eat fry hot holding basket soiled with an accumulation of grease.
  • Certified food manager certificate not posted in conspicuous location to consumers.
  • City of Lubbock Environmental Health permits not posted in a conspicuous location to consumers.

Beijing House at 3605 50th Street
Score: 85
Violations: 10

  • Tub of fried chicken measured at 52°F on cart near fryer. The bulk product was determined to be waiting to be ref-fried to-order.
  • Raw shrimp was stored above ready-to-eat sauce in the walk-in cooler.
  • Employee handled ready-to-eat fried chicken with bare hands after a proper hand wash. Facility has no bare hand contact variance.
  • Multiple wet cloths stored outside of solution throughout the cooking area.
  • Knives stored between prep table and prep cooler, the sides of which were soiled with food residue and grease accumulation.
  • A bowl used as a scoop was inside a container of sticky rice. The handle of a scoop was laying in rice in a different bin.
  • Clean pans stored in a position which did not allow for air drying.
  • Personal drink bottles stored on shelf above in-use stove.
  • Cut vegetables, prepared on site sauces, cooked noodles, and cooked chicken had no date marking. PIC stated that none of the items are expected to be used or discarded within 24 hours.
  • The stove area has a heavy accumulation of grease and residue, particularly on the surfaces that are not smooth and flat.

Chili’s at 607 University Avenue
Score: 86
Violations: 10

  • Food residue on cleaned utensils, not clean to sight and touch.
  • Sticker residue on cleaned utensils, not clean to sight and touch.
  • Heavily rim/seam dented canned food stored with in use canned food
  • Employee cell phone, then return to work without hand wash.
  • Chicken wings stored on floor in WIF.
  • Utensil with handle stored in contact with RTE tortilla strips.
  • Clean utensils stored wet, not in self draining position that allows air drying.
  • Single use article used as scoop in RTE pasta.
  • Upper expo shelf soiled with an accumulation of dust, dirt, and other debris.
  • Employee personal drink stored on shelf above RTE food.

Pho District 1 at 1910 Quaker Avenue, Suite 106
Score: 86
Violations: 7

  • Reach in prep cooler used for grill ingredients across from the grill had ambient air temperature above 50°F as measured by facility thermometer and inspector thermometer. Raw marinated beef at 51°F, chopped vegetables at 50°F for less than 4 hours.
  • Package of raw shelled eggs stored directly above RTE chopped vegetables in reach in prep cooler. No eggs appeared to be broken or leaking.
  • Mechanical dishwasher measured 0ppm chlorine. Upon investigation container of chlorine that feeds the mechanical dishwasher is broken and needs to be repaired or replaced.
  • At mechanical dishwasher testing strips for quaternary ammonium were available and two containers of expired chlorine testing strips were available. Facility had both lactic acid sanitizer with no testing strips and chlorine sanitizer with expired testing strips.
  • Reach in prep cooler table used for making boba drinks had a strainer utensil stored in a container of water at 99°F.
  • Vent shrouds in facility for centralized air conditioning system have heavy visible accumulation of dust above storage and preparation of food and food service items that could result in contamination.
  • At least 5 wet mop heads, not in current use, were stored in the basin of the mop sink in a manner that does not allow for proper air drying.

Dairy Queen at 7813 Slide Road
Score: 87
Violations: 9

  • Cooked ready to eat chicken and diced onions cold held in prep cooler held above 41°F. Both items have been in prep cooler for longer than 4 hours.
  • Can opener not in immediate use with accumulation of food debris on food-contact surface of blade stored at prep table.
  • An opened package of commercially prepared hot dogs with no date marking stored in prep cooler. PIC stated hot dogs were opened 3/10/25.
  • Front hand wash station did not have hand washing cleanser available.
  • Accumulation of food residue on interior nonfood-contact surface of microwave.
  • Accumulation of debris and grease on vent hood above flat top.
  • Standing cloudy liquid under bagged soft serve liquid bags in walk in cooler.
  • Employee personal drink stored above facility bottled water in reach in cooler by drive thru.
  • No sign stating employees must wash hands was supplied in the men's restroom.

China Town at 5217 82nd Street, Unit 114
Score: 87
Violations: 9

  • Cut onions, cut cabbage, and cut carrots held above 41°F in prep cooler. Cut vegetables had been in prep cooler for less than 4 hours
  • Raw shrimp and raw pork held above 41°F in reach in cooler. Shrimp and pork had been in reach in cooler for less than four hours.
  • Employee personal raw pork bacon stored above raw whole carrots. No contamination observed during inspection.
  • A dunnage container of cooked ready to eat noodles prepared on site 3/9/25 did not have any date marking stored in walk in cooler.
  • Gasket on walk in cooler damaged and covered with vinyl tape.
  • Cooked RTE chicken stored in non-food grade bags in walk in cooler.
  • Ice transport bucket was not stored inverted on top of ice machine.
  • Wet mop not in immediate use stored in mop bucket in a position that does not allow air drying.
  • Employee personal food stored above facility whole raw carrots.

Mirch Masala at 2815 34th Street
Score: 87
Violations: 10

  • Raw lamb pieces were set to thaw in the prep sink under stagnant water. Outside of lamb measured 62°F. PIC stated that item had been thawing for less than 4 hours.
  • Raw shelled eggs were stored in the walk in cooler above RTE vegetables in a manner that did not prevent cross contamination.
  • Raw chicken was stored above raw lamb in the walk in cooler in a manner that did not prevent cross contamination.
  • Quaternary ammonium testing strips were expired. Expired in 2024
  • Access to the hand sink was obstructed by a stock pot placed in front of the hand sink.
  • Wet wiping cloth, not in immediate use, was stored outside of a sanitizer bucket.
  • Raw beef was thawing in stagnant water in the prep sink. Outside of lamb measured 62°F. Inside of lamb was still frozen. PIC stated that item had been thawing for less than four hours.
  • Employee personal phone was stored on the dry storage rack above food items.
  • Employee phone was placed on a prep table.
  • Employee personal keys stored on a prep table.

Top Performers

Wendy’s at 5111 98th Street
Score: 100

Pizza Hut at 9830 Slide Road
Score: 99

F&F Japanese Grill at 6616 Milwaukee Avenue, Suite 400
Score: 99

Twin Peaks at 6012 Marsha Sharp Fwy. W.
Score: 96

Joel’s Restaurant at 3116 Amherst Street
Score: 95

Fuddrucker’s at 6616 Milwaukee Avenue
Score: 94

Dreamers Bistro at 1003 University Avenue
Score: 93

Jason’s Deli at 4001 S. Loop 289
Score: 93

Red Robin at 4805 S. Loop 289
Score: 92

Longhorn Steakhouse at 4805 S. Loop 289, Suite 500
Score: 91

View the full list of the City of Lubbock food inspection results here.

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