City of Lubbock, Community Partners to Unveil New Fishing Line Recycling Bins


LUBBOCK, TX — In an effort to protect local wildlife and waterways while controlling litter, the City of Lubbock will unveil new fishing line recycling bins at an event on Friday.

The recycling bins, which will be placed at several fishing areas, allow anglers to dispose of used or broken fishing lines and monofilament. Volunteers will service the bins, and the collected material will be shipped to the Berkley Fishing Conservation Institute for recycling.

The bins will be available at the following locations:

The initiative was sparked last year by the owner of 806 Splatter, a local business, who proposed the idea to the Keep Lubbock Beautiful Board. Since then, the City of Lubbock’s Solid Waste and Parks and Recreation Departments, Keep Lubbock Beautiful, and the South Plains Wildlife Rehabilitation Center have collaborated to make the project a reality.

The unveiling event will take place at 10 a.m. on Friday, August 2, 2024, at Lake 1 in Buddy Holly Park, located at North University Avenue and Cesar E. Chavez Drive.

For more information on Keep Lubbock Beautiful, please visit

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