United Offers Free Starlink Wi-Fi on Planes in SpaceX Deal


CHICAGO, IL – United Airlines announced on Friday that it will soon offer free Wi-Fi to passengers, powered by Starlink.

The satellite internet service from SpaceX will be available at no cost on all United mainline and regional flights, according to the company's statement.

United plans to install the service on over 1,000 aircraft "over the next several years," with testing scheduled to start early next year.

The airline described the deal as "the industry's largest agreement of its kind with SpaceX," the Texas-based company founded by billionaire Elon Musk, which specializes in spacecraft, launch services, and satellite communications.

Passengers will be able to use Starlink Wi-Fi on their devices and the over 100,000 seatback screens throughout the United fleet. The airline is currently adding more screens, bringing new aircraft into its fleet, and refitting existing ones.

Once everything is up and running, the airline expects the service will help pilots, flight attendants, technicians, and gate agents do their jobs more efficiently, which should mean a smoother experience for travelers.

"We're excited to team up with United Airlines to transform the in-flight experience across their fleet of more than 1,000 planes," SpaceX President and Chief Operating Officer Gwynne Shotwell said on X.

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