National Weather Service Issues Heat Advisory for Lubbock County


LUBBOCK, TX — The broiling heatwave continues on Thursday throughout Lubbock County. The National Weather Service issued a heat advisory that will remain in effect until after 8 p.m. CST.

Temperatures in excess of 107 degrees and up to 109 degrees will be present throughout the county until this evening.

The NWS included several counties in this heat advisory, including Crosby, Floyd, Garza, Hale, Lubbock, Lynn, Briscoe, and Swisher Counties.

"Very hot temperatures may cause heat-related illnesses," the alert read.

The NWS also issued several precautionary measures to take in this heat so Lubbock residents can be as prepared as possible.

  • Drink plenty of fluids.
  • Stay in air-conditioned rooms
  • Stay out of the sun.
  • Check up on relatives and neighbors to ensure everyone is safe.

Unfortunately, temperatures will not improve much on Friday, August 23. The high in Lubbock County is projected to be 105 degrees during the day, with a low of 77 degrees in the morning.


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