Heat Returns to Lubbock this Weekend


LUBBOCK, TX — Warmer temperatures return to the Lubbock area this week. Monday’s high will be one of the coolest in the next seven days, with a high of 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures will rise throughout the week, peaking on Friday and Saturday.

7-day Weather forecast:

  • Monday 9/9 - 85/57
  • Tuesday 9/10 - 88/57
  • Wednesday 9/11 - 88/61
  • Thursday 9/12 - 89/66
  • Friday 9/13 - 95/68
  • Saturday 9/14 - 97/70
  • Sunday 9/15 - 91/66

There is a 24% chance of rain on Sunday but nothing more throughout the week. Friday and Saturday will be the windiest days, with gusts reaching a manageable 13 mph.

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