Mountain Lion Hit and Killed by Police in Longview


LONGVIEW, TX — Early morning Tuesday, December 10, a mountain lion was struck by a Longview Police Department patrol vehicle.

According to a news release by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, the accident happened on a roadway, prompting the police to contact the Gregg County Game Warden. Together, they coordinated the retrieval of the dead mountain lion.

The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department was soon notified and took possession of the mountain lion to collect DNA and other biological samples for research purposes. Officials estimated the lion to be a 3-4-year-old female weighing 83.5 pounds.

Some of the samples collected from the mountain lion will be sent to the Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute as part of an ongoing study into mountain lion populations in Texas. The release states that TPWD will retain additional samples to better understand these animals and their behavior in the state.

Mountain lions are typically found in the Trans-Pecos region and parts of South Texas. These animals are known to travel long distances, sometimes appearing far from their usual habitats.

More information about mountain lions can be found on the TPWD mountain lion webpage.

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