Gov. Abbott Prepares Texas for Potential Tropical Storm Francine


HOUSTON, TX – Governor Greg Abbott has directed the Texas Division of Emergency Management to ready additional state resources in response to the potential impacts of Tropical Storm Francine, which is expected to form in the Gulf of Mexico, according to a press release.  This proactive measure follows concerns about severe weather conditions.

CenterPoint Energy has also begun monitoring the situation and preparing for possible power outages, aiming to prevent the widespread disruptions experienced after Hurricane Beryl earlier this summer.

The National Weather Service indicates that a storm system moving through the Gulf is likely to develop into a tropical storm and potentially a hurricane before reaching the Gulf Coast.

"Texas stands ready to provide all available resources needed to support Texans as a severe storm system begins to move along the Gulf Coast that will bring potential flash flooding threats and heavy rain," Governor Greg Abbott said in a statement, noting the state's division of emergency management would be deployed Monday morning.

"Texans are urged to take necessary precautions for potential tropical weather by staying informed about weather updates, monitoring road conditions, and having an emergency plan to ensure their safety and that of their loved ones."

He emphasized the importance of taking precautions, staying informed about weather updates, monitoring road conditions, and having an emergency plan in place.

In response, the Texas Division of Emergency Management has activated the Texas Emergency Management Council agencies and escalated the readiness level of the Texas State Operations Center to a 24-hour operational response.

Tropical Storm Francine nears the US coast

Tropical Storm Francine nears the US coast


Tropical Storm Francine nears the US coast

Tropical Storm Francine nears the US coast


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