Big Spring Man Shot and Killed After Threatening Police


BIG SPRING, TX — A man in Big Spring was shot and killed over the weekend during an officer-involved shooting after he allegedly threatened police while armed with knives. The Texas Rangers have taken over the investigation into the incident.

According to the Big Spring Police Department, officers responded to a 911 call around 3:00 p.m. on October 12 regarding a disturbance involving 23-year-old Justin Rodriguez. Witnesses reported that Rodriguez had entered a home in the 1300 block of Lamar and attempted to fight a family member. The callers indicated that he was armed with two knives and warned that police “better have guns.”

While officers were speaking with the callers, dispatch informed them that Rodriguez had left the residence, still holding the knives and threatening to kill police officers. Officers quickly moved to locate him.

Reports state that Rodriguez was found just west of the intersection of N. Monticello and Barnes, where he was observed with the knives. Officers from the Big Spring Police Department and deputies from the Howard County Sheriff’s Office attempted to engage him, asking him to drop the weapons. A trooper from the Department of Public Safety also arrived to assist.

According to reports, for about 17 minutes, officers tried to de-escalate the situation, pleading with Rodriguez to put down the knives and telling him they would provide help. He refused and began to walk away from the officers toward civilians.

When officers ordered him to stop, Rodriguez ignored them. They followed and deployed less-lethal bean bag rounds and a taser, neither of which were effective. Rodriguez then turned back toward the officers, still armed.

In response, four officers discharged their weapons, striking Rodriguez multiple times. Despite attempts to provide medical assistance and call for emergency services, he was pronounced dead at the scene.

The investigation has been turned over to the Texas Rangers, which is standard procedure in officer-involved shootings. 

The four officers involved have been placed on administrative leave while conducting the investigation.

The Big Spring Police Department released a statement expressing condolences: "This was a tragic event for all officers involved and Mr. Rodriguez’s family. The Big Spring Police Department asks for prayers for everyone affected.”

Further information will be provided as updates are available.

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