Massive Pileup Reported on I-27 Near Canyon


CANYON, TX — A massive pileup on I-27 was reported on Friday afternoon, March 14. At around the reports began trickling in at around 3 p.m. on Friday with multiple pictures and videos coming in later. At least 50 vehicles were reported in the pileup.

The current extent of the damage and injuries is unknown, but the reports do not look good. All of west Texas is currently experiencing dangerously high winds that have caused massive dust storms across this part of the state. 

Visibility in the area was next to zero, with the high winds and dust making it almost impossible to drive.


Massive Pileup reported on I-27 near Canyon, TX

Massive Pileup reported on I-27 near Canyon, TX


The National Weather Service has issued a Blowing Dust Advisory until 8:00 p.m. today, with gusts potentially reaching up to 90 mph in some areas of the region.

I-27 is currently closed from Amarillo all the way down to Lubbock.

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