Authorities Searching for Plainview Teen


PLAINVIEW, TX – The Plainview Hale County Crime Stoppers and Plainview Police Department are requesting the public's assistance in search of runaway teen, Alexis Pauline Bueno.

Bueno is described as a 15-year-old Hispanic female with brown eyes and black hair and is about five foot one inch tall.

According to a social media post, Bueno ran away from her home on August 1, 2024, and has been in touch with her family but has not yet returned.

If you have any information about Bueno's whereabouts, please contact Captain Manuel Balderas at (806) 296-1187 or the Plainview Police Department at (806) 296-1182.

Authorities Searching for Runaway Teen Alexis Bueno

Authorities Searching for Runaway Teen Alexis Bueno


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