Kress ISD Employee Under Investigation for Alleged Misconduct with Student


KRESS, TX – The Kress Independent School District has quickly notified the Swisher County Sheriff’s Office regarding an ongoing investigation into allegations of improper conduct involving a district employee and a student on Thursday, August 29, 2024. In compliance with legal and district policy requirements, the district has also reported the matter to other authorities, according to a press release.

Law enforcement is currently conducting an investigation, and the district is cooperating with all investigating agencies. 

The employee in question has been placed on administrative leave pending further investigation.

The press release states that Kress ISD prioritizes student safety and maintaining proper professional boundaries between staff and students. The district enforces its policies on professional conduct rigorously, and all employees undergo regular training to maintain those standards.

The Kress ISD administration urges anyone with concerns about possible misconduct to contact the school administration or local law enforcement immediately.

In line with state and federal privacy laws, and out of respect for the individuals involved, the district stated they will not disclose confidential information or details related to the investigation.

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