Scare at Cinemark on 82nd Street


LUBBOCK, TX — Lubbock Police officers responded to a call for possible shots fired at the Cinemark located at 2535 82nd Street.

Our reporter on the scene observed three police cruisers present at the movie theatre. When asked, Lubbock police officers stated that absolutely nothing was going on.

The police were called to the movie theatre, apparently found nothing out of order. The movie theaters were not evacuated and no one was reported injured. 

Lubbock Police presence seen at Cinemark on 82nd Street

Lubbock Police presence seen at Cinemark on 82nd Street

(South Plains LIVE! Photo/Nick Thompson)

Apparently, loud noises were heard at the theatre, causing some to think a shooting had taken place. Officers cleared out shortly after, and the Saturday evening returned to normal.

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